The roles that different organs play in detoxification and elimination processes.

Different organs are responsible for digesting and eliminating toxins from the body, which can come from many different places. The term "toxicity" covers a lot of ground and has varying connotations depending on the situation. The process calls for a basic breakdown, so I'll explain how several organs contribute to the body's natural cleansing and disposal mechanisms.

Here's a generalised breakdown:

  1. Liver: The liver is the primary detoxification organ. It processes and neutralises harmful substances from the blood.

  2. Kidneys: The kidneys filter blood to remove waste, excess nutrients, and excess water, producing urine.

  3. Lungs: The lungs expel volatile compounds, such as carbon dioxide and certain volatile organic compounds, through the breath.

  4. Skin: The skin can excrete some toxins through sweat.

  5. Digestive System (Colon): The colon expels waste products and some toxins through faeces.

  6. Lymphatic System: This system aids in detoxification by transporting waste and toxins from the bloodstream to be filtered and excreted.

Let's assume hypothetical percentages for each of these areas based on their roles:

  1. Liver: 40%

  2. Kidneys: 25%

  3. Lungs: 15%

  4. Skin: 10%

  5. Digestive System (Colon): 5%

  6. Lymphatic System: 5%

For best detox advice, I recommend fasting..


20 Hour Daily Fasting


Unlocking the Power of Liver Detoxification: Understanding Its Importance and How to Support Your Liver Health